Real lasting weight loss is about caring about your body so much that you want it to be healthy! These are the tips that I have come up with or have found useful to lose weight. I hope these tips help you achive your weight loss goals too!
LOTS of Water Every Day!!!
Most people do not get enough water. Water is vital for the function of the kidneys that purify the blood. When the body does not get enough water some of the load is shifted to the liver. The liver's main function is to metabolize the body's fat for energy. If it is busy doing the kidney's job… You are not burning off fat! (Not to mention all the other benefits of a well hydrated body!)
Some recommend drinking 8 glasses of water each day, but that is the amount of water it takes for a sedentary 128 pounds person to stay hydrated. If you are bigger or more active, you will need more water to take care of your body's needs. (Makes sense to me!) An easy way to figure out the minimum amount of water you need is to divided your weight by 2 and drink that many ounces of water daily.
Most people do not get enough water. Water is vital for the function of the kidneys that purify the blood. When the body does not get enough water some of the load is shifted to the liver. The liver's main function is to metabolize the body's fat for energy. If it is busy doing the kidney's job… You are not burning off fat! (Not to mention all the other benefits of a well hydrated body!)
Some recommend drinking 8 glasses of water each day, but that is the amount of water it takes for a sedentary 128 pounds person to stay hydrated. If you are bigger or more active, you will need more water to take care of your body's needs. (Makes sense to me!) An easy way to figure out the minimum amount of water you need is to divided your weight by 2 and drink that many ounces of water daily.
A 180 pound person would need a minimum of 90 ounces of water daily to
stay hydrated.
2. Stop Eating "Fast Food."
Two words, “Supersize Me.” McDonald's, Burger King, Culver's… They're all trying to KILL YOU! Just looking at the nutritional information is a health risk. Seriously, you could have a heart attack from the SHOCK…and that’s not even counting what eating that "food" does to you! :-6
If you MUST eat "Fast Food," a sub place is really your only sane choice. Try one of Subway’s "7 under 6” sandwiches. (Mmm, Veggie Delight!) But try to pass on the chips, even if they are "baked" they have no real nutritional value.
Another trap to be wary of is the condiments you put on your sandwich. Cheese can add on up to 150, and mayonnaise adds another 150! Skip the cheese and ask for spicy brown mustard instead of mayo. This will save you some calories which you can eat in chocolate later!
3. Stop Eating Red Meat.
It is not that HARD! There are lots of delicious meat alternatives out there. Find one that suits your pallet.
4. Try to Limit Sweets.
Please note, I did not say cut them out! Natural Sugar is the safest sweet, and it is a beautiful simple carbohydrate for your body to create energy from! Don't get sugar-free or "lite" treats. (Unless you are diabetic...) A TREAT should be a REAL treat!
5. Eat More Fruits.
If there is only one simple thing you can do to improve your health: eat more whole fresh fruit. Nearly everyone likes fruit, and fruit is so convenient. It's nature's handily "prepackaged" snack food. Keep a bunch of bananas or a sack of apples/oranges nearby for frequent snacking throughout the day. This will curb hunger and keep your metabolism revved up, as well as your brain sharp! Fruits also help "combat" a sweet tooth and assists in fat loss and disease prevention.
Over the years, low-carb propaganda wound up grouping fruit with candy and soda, which is total bull. Nutritionally, they are nothing alike, other than containing some form of carbohydrates. It's like equating a jumbo jet to a roller skate because they're both forms of transportation which contain metal... It's a ludicrous travesty. They just aren't comparing "apples to apples." (If you don't mind the pun!)
They want you to confuse whole fruits with fruit JUICE. Fruit juice - even if it's "100% juice" - has over 100 calories per 8 oz serving, and is not filling at all! Be sure to limit yourself to just one serving of fruit juice daily!
are some ways to start eating more
- Take an orange, apple, or banana to work and eat it as a snack each day.
- Be “romantic” and feed each other washed seedless grapes.
- Get a party tray of fresh strawberries and pineapple for dessert!
- Slice up a banana, or add raisins to your AM cereal.
- Add berries to plain yogurt, or put it all in the
blender for a “smoothie.”
6. Eat More Veggies.
Veggies are so good, and good for you! There is no real reason not to eat them!!! You are an adult and you have the power to eat what you like. Gone are the childhood days of over-cooked mushy canned peas. Free yourself from those traumatic veggie memories of yore, and start thinking about the good ones! Remember how good those onions and peppers are on your Fajitas? How about the broccoli, pea pods, and baby corn in your favorite Chinese dish? Mmm! Those are the kind of veggies you should think of!! (Not just “rabbit food.”)
are some tips to start getting more
green into your diet!
- Add lots of lettuce, tomato, onion, to your veggie burgers & subs.
- Make vegetable laden casseroles, or Vegetarian Chili!
- Add corn and/or diced tomatoes to your taco filling.
- Order a veggie or spinach pizza instead of a meat one.
- Order a spicy vegetable dish from the local Chinese/Thai/Indian restaurant.
- Always go for a garden salad, instead of the soup.
7. Learn Your BMI.
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. BMI is a ratio between you height and weight.
The BMI Formula: Weight in Kilograms / (Height in Meters)^2
According to the Centers of Disease Control a "good" BMI is between 18.50 - 24.99.
Overweight is between 25.00 – 29.99, and Obese applies to all people with BMI’s 30, and higher.
(My BMI was 45.89 when I started my weight loss!)
If you do not know your weight and height in the metric system, Aaron Scott (who is the sexiest sweetheart in the whole world!) wrote a JAVA applet to automatically calculate BMI (and BMR). You can find it in the "Tools" section of my weight loss page!
8. Learn Your BMR.
BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. BMR is a formula that calculates how many calories your body needs each day stay alive. In other words, if you did nothing but sleep all day, your body would burn "X" calories where "X" = Your BMR.
The BMR formula for women is: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 * Age in years)
The BMR formula for men is: 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos ) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x Age in years)
You then take that result and multiply it by your activity level. (Be honest!)
Activity Level | Description | Multiplier |
Sedentary | Little or no Exercise | 1.200 |
Lightly Active | Exercise or Sports 1 – 3 times a week | 1.375 |
Moderately Active | Exercise or Sports 3 – 5 times a week | 1.550 |
Very Active | Exercise or Sports 5 – 7 times a week | 1.725 |
Extra Active | 2x a day training or Hard Physical Job | 1.900 |
If the metric system and math are not your idea of a good time, Aaron Scott (who is the sexiest sweetheart in the whole world!) wrote a JAVA applet to automatically calculate your BMR (and BMI). You can find it in the "Tools" section of my weight loss page!
9. Count Your Calories!
Low-Fat, Low-Carb, South Beach… all those “programs” are crap. Most of them are just trying to make a quick buck off of America’s obsession with body image. The only real way to lose weight is to burn more calories off than what you take in. Use your BMR to learn how many calories your body needs then cut your calories by 500. You never have to give up the food you love. You just need to manage the calories!
Note: On average the human body needs to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound!!
10. Losing 1 to 2 Pounds a Week is The MAX!
Slow and steady is the way to win this race!!! The safest way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to “cut” or burn-off 500 calories a day. 500 less calories daily equals about a pound a week weight loss. It’s okay to go as much as 2 pounds a week, but that is maximum rate at which humans can burn fat!!! If you lose more than 2 pounds in a week you are putting your health at risk! The human body cannot safely lose more than 2 pounds in a week. If you have lost more weight than that, it wasn't fat. Hopefully it is just “water,” but you could be losing bone mass, muscles, or even vital organ tissue! (YIKES!!!)
SLOW DOWN. You don't need to restrict yourself so much!! I keep my daily calories between 1400 – 1900. It keeps me from feeling “deprived,” and I keep losing weight!
The human body MUST consume
at least 1,200 calories a day to avoid neurological problems and other
serious health risks
11. Don't "Diet" When Dining Out!
Surprised by this one? Going out to a nice restaurant is a treat, so get what you want!! Go ahead and order the crab-stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer, a butter drenched pasta for your meal, and split a Chocolate Volcano for dessert! But do not take this as an opportunity to over eat! The trick to eating out, and eating what you want, is knowing portion size. When your main dish arrives, set half of it aside to take home. If you are temped to eat all of it, ask for the take-home container right away. You can also ask for a "1/2 sized" or kid's sized portion to help you from over-eating.
Remember that eating out is an
indulgence and you should not do this more than once a
12. Switch On Your “Feast Mode” Metabolism!
Don’t fret about the pound or two you may gain from your weekly “feast” day. Feasts are actually good for your weight loss! How you may ask? Well, no matter how advance we think we are, our bodies are still very primitive. Our natural instincts to food is to eat, eat, EAT!!! This is because we are also built to go long periods without food. When our bodies are introduced to ample food, our bodies eventually enter “feast mode,” and your metabolism shifts into high gear to burn all the incoming food!
Having a feast day followed by moderate calorie control = excellent weight loss. But beware, many dieters fail because they restrict their calories too much and actually switch the body into starvation mode!!! In starvation mode the body takes all extra calories and stores them as fat!!
13. Eat Breakfast Every Day!
Eating a big breakfast helps to “trick” your body into “Feast Mode.” Your body will be like, “Wow, we have FOOD today! It’s a FEAST Day! BURN, BURN, BURN!!!
14. Get Support.
I know I would have never been so successful without the constant loving support from my husband, Aaron Scott. His encouragement gave me the strength I needed to achieve my goals. He helped inspire me beyond what I thought possible, and he never let me get discouraged! (I love you so much AARON!!!) Having great support was the key to success for me.
are many ways to get weight loss
- Online Groups/ Boards
- Church or Work Groups
- Weight Watchers
- Family and Friends
15. Use the Web to Educate Yourself about Weight Loss.
There are tons of FREE website out there to help you with weight loss. I would suggest WebMD and the MSN Health & Fitness section for starters. You can also find lots of advice and support on weight loss forums and boards.
In your searches you may even come across some Pro-Ana or Pro-Mia sites. Pro-Ana sites support the lifestyle of Anorexia, and Mia's are Bulimic. Bulimia and Anorexia are psychological disorders which effect a person's perceptions of body image and eating habits, yet most Ana sites have great tips to help the average dieter learn to conquer cravings. PLEASE NOTE! Visiting Ana or Mia sites will NOT make you "catch" Anorexia or Bulimia. They are disorders that have to develop over years of low self esteem coupled with the media's impossible images of beauty. I believe in free speech, and that the Anas' sites should NEVER be banned or taken down.
If you have to give your
credit card number to see the site it is a SCAM!!!
16. Be Active for at Least 30 Minutes Every Other Day.
You do not have to do anything extreme, or even all at once, to burn calories. Just remember, little things add up.
are some easy ways to start burning
more calories each day.
- Use the stairs.
- Park your car farther away from work or the store to get some extra walking done.
- Simple activities, like housework and gardening also burn a lot of calories.
- At work walk over and talk to your co-worker instead of e-mailing them.
- Take the “long way” to a co-worker’s desk or go to the potty on another floor.
- Wear a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps a day.
The Best time of day to
exercise is before Supper, or before Breakfast. These are the
times when your blood sugar is at it's lowest. This will help you
start burning fat faster.
17. Learn The REAL Size of Serving Sizes.
At first you are like "WHAT?! Only this much?" But you'll soon learn the that your EYES were WAY bigger than the stomach. Soon you will become more in tune with what your body really needs. A healthy human stomach should only be able to hold one litter (about 20 oz)… although some people have stretched theirs out to twice that!!! (Ew.)
18. Get Smaller Plates.
There is just something satisfying about having a FULL plate… so make it smaller to avoid overeating!
19. Realize that only 2 bites of food are the best.
Eat Slowly!
Eat what you love, savor and enjoy your food, take the time to taste it! Extra time eating lets you feel full with less food. Many people eat too fast and then overeat.
Eat what you love, savor and enjoy your food, take the time to taste it! Extra time eating lets you feel full with less food. Many people eat too fast and then overeat.
to help you eat better:
- Take drinks of water between bites to fill you up faster and clear the palette.
- Cut up your food and eat it in bites as if you were going to feed it to a small child.
- Close your eyes and really focus on the texture and tastes you are experiencing.
- Do not eat while watching T.V. or other distracting activities!
21. Stop Eating When You Are Full!
This may seem like a no-brain’er, but so many people have been “programmed” to clean their plate. Pay close attention to your body when you are eating. When it signals you are full – STOP!!! Continuing to eat does not help the “starving children in the world;” it only makes you fatter.
If you are prone to pick at the remains throw them away immediately, cover them with a napkin, or move them out of reach. If there is enough left over, stick it in the fridge for later.
22. Do Not Keep a Candy Dish.
You will be prone to “just have one” but then you’ll end up having “just one more.” This will lead to the consumption of 100s of extra calories each day. Keep yourself safe, and start using that candy dish as a paperclip holder or to store loose change.
23. Do Not Eat Directly Out of the Bag!
Get out the measuring cups, and see what one portion is!
Pre-measure servings into
Ziploc bags, or buy the “variety pack” of individual bags.
24. Keep Food Out of Reach!
If you are sitting at a table and there is a serving bowl of food in front of you, you will be prone to eat more. Keep your serving and eating areas separate. (Food in Kitchen / Eat in Dining Room) If you are at a party do not lurk by the food table. Most “party foods” are EXTREMELY high in calories! Try to be active and social. Start a party game, and focus on the people, not the "cute" finger foods.
25. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine.
Alcohol and Caffeine DEHYDRATE. Dehydration is really BAD for weight loss. (Remember all that kidney / liver stuff?! ) Alcohol also damages your liver, not to mention kills your brain cells!!! Alcohol also has lots of hidden calories. Hard liquors are not required to post their nutritional facts which leads to TONS of uncounted calories! You can find another form of entertainment…
26. Do Not Eat to Be “NICE.”
If your co-worker brings in cookies or brownies, You Are NOT Obligated To Eat Them!!! If you think it is okay to have 300 extra calories, then go ahead, just remember to count those calories!
If you are shy about refusing,
take the goodie back to your desk then THROW IT AWAY!
27. Create “NO FOOD” Areas at Home.
Make a “rule” for your home that food can only be consumed in certain places, like at the dining room table. This will prevent you from mindlessly eating in front of the T.V, Computer, or other area where you are prone to over-eat. Remember to keep those serving and eating areas separate!!
28. Go for Quality Over Quantity.
Honestly… who wants one cup of "LITE" frozen lime sherbet for 100 calories… When you can have ½ a cup of Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream for 300? Yeah, it is Half the amount, and three times the calories, but it’s 1,000,000,000 times the pleasure!! Remember - Some calories are just worth it!
Note: This tip assumes you would prefer the chocolate ice cream over lime sherbet. If you prefer the lime sherbet, more power to you! :)
29. Set Small Goals!
I did not start my weight loss with a "Goal Weight" or "Dress Size" to reach. I think having one will just make you frustrated, and you'll miss all your little victories! NO ONE can lose 50 pounds in their first week/month of healthy weight loss!!!
When I first started to lose weight, the weight came off quickly, so I set my goals to 10 pound increments. When I would reach my -10 pound goal, I'd have to maintain my new weight for a week before I got to get my reward for reaching the goal. (It took me between 2 - 4 months to lose 10 pounds.)
After I had lost over 100 pounds the rate of my weight loss really started to slow. To keep my motivation high, I changed my goals to every 5 pounds instead. Then after I lost over 135 pounds, my weight loss ground to a halt. After being "stuck" at the same weight for over six months I was really getting frustrated!!! Then I remembered, my ultimate goal was never to reach a certain weight, SO WHY WAS I TYING MY REWARDS TO MY WEIGHT!!!
The Light Bulb Goes ON!
My real goal is to be healthy, so now I get my rewards from "keeping up a healthy lifestyle!" (Being active 3-5 days a week, and eating between 1600-2000 calories each day.) All I need to do to get my rewards now is stick to these guidlines 14 days straight.
This last change to my rewards system has really boosted my self-esteem! When my weight was stuck, I never noticed that I was getting healthier. I only noticed that the scale was not moving. Since my goal was tied to my weight, I didn't feel like I was making any progress!! I really wanted my reward... and just could not drop the last few pounds to get it... after a few months I was really frustrated.
Now that my goals are not tied to my weight, I feel so much better about myself!!! Life is good!!! :)
30. Give BIG Rewards For Reaching Your Goals!
My rewards are always something I really want!! Try starting a collection of something that you REALLY enjoy, but you can’t get the next one until you reach your goal. (This type of goal was great motivation for me.) You must be strong. DO NOT CRUMBLE AND JUST BUY IT ANYWAY!! Your goal must be tantalizing enough to inspire you! If you love new Clothes, say you'll get a new pants when you reach your goal… and who knows, they could be a size smaller!
Never, EVER, set
FOOD as a goal.
31. Have a picture of you in all your "fat glory."
Trust me when I say that looking at a candid shot of all your "rolls/flabby arms / extra chin(s)" can really help stop a food craving. Think of this picture as the "old you" and get a glass of water instead!
32. Take Up a Hobby That Burns Calories.
Curling, Yoga, Tai Chi, Hiking, Biking, Dancing, etc... (You've got the idea!)
33. Take Up a Hobby That Keeps Your Hands Busy.
Without the use of your hands, it is hard to put food in your mouth! (A-ha!)
- Knitting
- Crocheting
- Drawing
- Painting
- Pottery
- Gardening
- Computer / Video Gaming
34. Get Back in the Saddle!
There will be times when you feel like you "fell from grace" because you "Pigged-out at McDonald's" or you "haven't worked out in 2 weeks." You might be discouraged by your slow progress, and start thinking to yourself that you were "Happier FAT, so why are you going through all this trouble to lose weight?"
This is when you have to show your STRENGTH and KEEP AT IT!
We all know that nobody is perfect. So what if you polished off a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in one sitting. (Been there done that!) That does not mean you have FAILED at weight loss. You just have to let it slide, and keep going!!!
35. Don’t Give Up!!!
Let’s say you’re driving down the road, and you blow a tire. Do you get out of your car, and slash the other three tires? No. You wouldn't!! You'd call for help, or change the flat yourself, and keep going!!! Slashing your tires would just makes things worse for you, but this is how many people treat their weight loss.
When someone blows her diet she often starts "slashing her tires." She believes since she’s “failed” at weight loss, she might as well keep pigging out!
This is the mentality you have to break free from! If you do have a “blow-out,” change that tire, and get back on your weight loss plan! Don’t Give UP!!! ;-)
36. Do Not Punish Yourself!
Do not bike for 2 hours to "make-up for" an eating "offense." This kind of behavior will only cause self-loathing and discourage you more. This could lead to a cycle of binging and punishment… WHICH IS AN EATING DISORDER! (“Anorexia-Athletica”)
37. Try New Foods.
Try out all sorts of “new & exotic” fruits and veggies, or try eating at a new "type" of restaurant.
- Thai
- Indian
- Japanese
- Greek
- Afghani
- Himalayan
- Jamaican
- Etc. . .
38. Ease Into A Healthy Lifestyle.
You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. Bodies do not like change, so you have to gradually “trick” it into being healthy. Start small, like taking a short walk three times a week, or adding more veggies to your diet. Over time start building and adding more healthy habits.
It takes about 2 weeks to form a good habit so stick with it! If you can’t stick with it, try something simpler. Remember: Baby-Steps!!
39. Keep A Food Journal.
Before making any changes to your lifestyle it is good to know what you baseline is. To find your baseline start keeping a "food journal.” Write down EVERYTHING you eat or drink, and track the calories. You might also want to keep track of your weight and Exercise/Activities in the journal too!
Try using the Eat Right Chart to track yourself.
40. Don't Cheat On Your Journal Entries!
You are only lying to yourself if you fudge the numbers in the journal! Learning to be honest with yourself is a good point to start from. Keeping a journal of your meals and weight loss really helps you see what your habits are, and how you are progressing. I like to look back through my old journals to see how far I have come! In my journals I kept track of all the food/drink I had, their calories, my weight, and if I exercised. I filled the borders with motivational sayings, and also kept record of my measurements!
41. You're Not Hungry! You're THIRSTY!!!
Many people confuse thirst for hunger. When your body needs fluids, it sends out a message that most people perceive as hunger, which leads to unnecessary calorie consumption. Don't get fooled! If you feel "Thirsty," it means that you have already begun dehydrating!!! WATER, WATER, WATER!!!
42. Get Some Shut Eye!
It may be hard to believe, but sleep is one of the best things you can do for weight loss. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin, a blood protein that suppresses appetite and seems to affect how the brain senses when the body has had enough food. Sleep deprivation also raises levels of grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat. Most Americans do not get the “normal nights sleep” of 7-9 hours and this could be linked to the obesity epidemic we have today.
- People who sleep two to four hours a night are 73% more likely to be obese than normal sleepers.
- People who get five hours of sleep are 50% more likely to be obese.
- People who get six hours were 23% more likely to be obese.
- People who get ten or more hours are 11% LESS likely to be obese.
Another good thing about
sleep and weight loss is that even though sleeping burns the fewest
calories for any activity; When you are sleeping, you can't eat!!
43. Weight Yourself Daily.
Some “weight loss authorities” suggest weighing yourself only once a week because body weight can fluctuate, therefore making daily weigh-ins futile. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Weighing yourself daily, along with monitoring of your calories and activity levels are critical to establishing lifelong weight management habits. Taking a daily weigh really helps you keep on track. Remember it only takes 1 day to gain body fat. Why wait a whole week to measure it? Weight loss is a day-by-day process. The earlier you see your weight going off track, the faster you can start get back on track!
Be sure to get a high quality scale, preferably one that will give your weight to at least a ¼ of a pound. Then weigh yourself daily. Take your weight first thing in the morning at the same time each day. Be sure to wear the same amount (or lack of) clothes. Then write down your weight in your journal. This will help you!
I have taken this one step further and have been tracking my weight loss in a spreadsheet. My weight does spike some days but that’s mainly due to fluid retention. Those pounds are quickly lost.
44. Find the Root of the Problem.
When I was 10, I broke the 100 pound mark. By middle school I was already in women’s plus sizes. I was extremely overweight and began to believe that being FAT and being me was the same thing. Fat was who I was. I saw myself as a Fat Girl… and when questioned about my weight I would feel attacked because I felt they were attacking my identity. In my mind Being Fat was the Essence of Being Me, and this was the Root of my weight problem.
This is the story of how I broke free from that Mind-set:
43. Weight Yourself Daily.
Some “weight loss authorities” suggest weighing yourself only once a week because body weight can fluctuate, therefore making daily weigh-ins futile. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Weighing yourself daily, along with monitoring of your calories and activity levels are critical to establishing lifelong weight management habits. Taking a daily weigh really helps you keep on track. Remember it only takes 1 day to gain body fat. Why wait a whole week to measure it? Weight loss is a day-by-day process. The earlier you see your weight going off track, the faster you can start get back on track!
Be sure to get a high quality scale, preferably one that will give your weight to at least a ¼ of a pound. Then weigh yourself daily. Take your weight first thing in the morning at the same time each day. Be sure to wear the same amount (or lack of) clothes. Then write down your weight in your journal. This will help you!
I have taken this one step further and have been tracking my weight loss in a spreadsheet. My weight does spike some days but that’s mainly due to fluid retention. Those pounds are quickly lost.
44. Find the Root of the Problem.
When I was 10, I broke the 100 pound mark. By middle school I was already in women’s plus sizes. I was extremely overweight and began to believe that being FAT and being me was the same thing. Fat was who I was. I saw myself as a Fat Girl… and when questioned about my weight I would feel attacked because I felt they were attacking my identity. In my mind Being Fat was the Essence of Being Me, and this was the Root of my weight problem.
This is the story of how I broke free from that Mind-set:
husband had brought up the topic of
getting healthy before, but I would always fly off the handle. I’d cry
and say that he didn't love me the way I was, and argue that I am FAT
and you should love me as I am! I felt personally attacked because I
still believed that being Fat and being Me were the SAME
THING. For him to
suggest that I should try to lose weight was a heartbreaking slap in
the face!
I asked him, “Why did you married me if you don’t love me the way I am?”
He assured me that he loved me and that he could not live with anyone else.
Then he asked me “If you lost your finger are you still you?”
I said, “Yes.”
“And I would still love you just as much. What if you lost your whole hand, would you still be you?”
Again I agreed that I would still be me.
He then asked, “If you lost some weight would you still be you?”
Here I wavered. I was a Fat Girl!!! Fat was ME!
I got mad and argued “But I am FAT. That is WHO I AM!!!”
But I knew that wasn’t true anymore, and my paradigm suddenly shifted! I was finally able to see that being me and being Fat were NOT the same, and I knew it was true! As soon as I accepted that thought I knew that I would be able to get healthy & lose weight, and I have!!!
I asked him, “Why did you married me if you don’t love me the way I am?”
He assured me that he loved me and that he could not live with anyone else.
Then he asked me “If you lost your finger are you still you?”
I said, “Yes.”
“And I would still love you just as much. What if you lost your whole hand, would you still be you?”
Again I agreed that I would still be me.
He then asked, “If you lost some weight would you still be you?”
Here I wavered. I was a Fat Girl!!! Fat was ME!
I got mad and argued “But I am FAT. That is WHO I AM!!!”
But I knew that wasn’t true anymore, and my paradigm suddenly shifted! I was finally able to see that being me and being Fat were NOT the same, and I knew it was true! As soon as I accepted that thought I knew that I would be able to get healthy & lose weight, and I have!!!
Examine your life and see if there is something keeping you from your weight loss goals. You will only be successful once you truly believe you can succeed!
45. Pump Some Iron!
Muscle = Metabolism. Strength training is the most effective form of exercise for improving body composition, because building new muscle tissue burns tremendous calories while resting and muscle tissue itself also burns calories 24/7 just to maintain itself!!! If that wasn’t cool enough, muscles also increase your bodies NATURAL testosterone which is a powerful anti-depressant in both men and women, and helps fighting against binges and other counter-productive behavior. It also boosts the sex drive for both genders, without negative side effects. (Please don't confuse your body's natural, healthy hormones with the adverse effects of dangerous drugs such as anabolic steroids.) Not to mention that being stronger is pretty cool in and of itself! :-)
Many women seem to ignore proper strength training in their physical fitness routines, believing it to be "men's stuff". But that’s not true. For example, with sufficient intensity, a single 30 minute workout once per week will produce dramatic results in burning body fat.
The key is the intensity of the workout. If you don't push yourself hard enough, lifting weights won't do you much good. The harder you push yourself within a workout session, the better your results will be. The other keys to remember are to always use proper form (rather than lifting too much weight with poor form) and to never exercise a sore muscle.
46. How to "Survive" a Buffet or Potluck!
When at a Buffet or Potluck the common desire is to "sample a bit of everything," but you cannot do this and lose weight! When faced with a smorgusboard start by drink a full glass of ice-water. Then survey all they have to offer. Choose the one high-calorie item you'd like the most, then limit yourself to one 1/4 plate serving. Fill the rest of your plate with fruits & veggies. When you get back to your table eat the fruits and veggies first. Save the best for last! Be sure to keep drinking lots of water to help you feel full faster!
Many items at a
"salad bar" (sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, croutons, salad
dressings...) can be very high in calories. Be very careful when
constructing your salad. Keep the dressing on the side and extra
toppings to a minimum!